Line Policy

In an attempt to cut down or eliminate lines lasting longer than 5 minutes, Fat Con has a line-free policy. 

Non-VIP Attendees wanting to guarantee their entrance to a certain panel can swing by the Concierge desk at any time and pick up tickets (called passes) to the panels and workshops they are interested in attending. Each panel room has limited space and these tickets will guarantee you seating up to 5 minutes before the panel begins. 

ADA and all VIPs have special front row reserved seating up to 5 minutes before any panel, workshop or main event. 

ADA, all VIPs and Attendees w/ passes can walk right into the panel and have a guaranteed seat until 5 minutes before the panel begins, at which time all empty seats are opened to the general population.

At 5 minutes before the panel starts, the door will have a large sign placed in full view of attendees by the Panel Monitor colored either RED, YELLOW or GREEN. Red means the panel is full. Yellow means the room is approaching capacity, and green means there is plenty of seating still available. At this time any attendee, with or without a ticket, may enter the panel freely until the room is at capacity or the panel begins and the speaker requests the door stay closed.